
OpinionPost web properties in numbers

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Our Story

We Focus on building Strong, Intuitive and Dynamic Sites.

OpinionPost S.A. is a Greek Online Media Group that provides news information and services.

It was founded in 2011 when it launched its first website Dnews.gr (Dikaiologitika.gr), which quickly became one of the most popular news websites in Greece.

Dnews.gr (Dikaiologitika.gr) is a valuable resource for anyone who needs trust news and information. The website is easy to use and navigate, and it offers a wide range of information and services to meet the needs of its users.

Key events:

  • 2011: Opinion Post is found in Kalamata and launches dikaiologitika.gr to provide information concerning citizens’ transactions with the state. Thought out the years the content is enriched to a news website
  • 2015: Opinion Post moves its offices to Athens.
  • 2020: Dnews.gr (Dikaiologitika.gr) is declared as the most trust medium in Greece in the Digital News Report  2020 by Reuters Institute.
  • 2021: Dikaiologitika.gr changes its brand name to Dnews by Dikaiologitika.gr to better represent the content change
    Opinion Post invests in pelop.gr, the website of newspaper «Πελοπόννησος» (the oldest newspaper in Greece).
  • 2022: TheISSUE.gr is launched, the group’s first website for women
  • 2023: For fourth year at the row Dnews.gr (Dikaiologitika.gr) is declared the most trusted media in Greece in the Digital News Report 2023 by Reuters Institute.
    Dikaiologitika.gr changes its domain to Dnews.gr
Our Approach

We know that the user is in the center of every business.

The goals of Opinion Post are to inform the public, hold the powerful accountable, and promote democracy.

Inform the public: We provide the public with information about current events, political, economic, social issues, and other topics of interest, Information helps people to take better decisions about their lives and their communities.

Hold the powerful accountable: We investigate and report on wrongdoing by governments, corporations, and other powerful institutions, helping to expose corruption or abuse of power, and to promote transparency and accountability.

Promote democracy: Journalism plays an essential role in a democratic society. By informing the public and holding the powerful accountable, it helps to ensure that the government is responsive to the needs of the people.

Contact Us

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Sales Department

Commercial Director
Vicky Partheni ([email protected])

Branded Content Manager
Eleana Kipourou

Advertising Coordinator
Fay Pantazi

AdOps Specialist
Thodoris Mavroulis

Contact Us
Kleanthous 8, Ilioupoli, Athens
(+30) 2110157640
[email protected]